Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Mission

Greetings everyone,
I used to be able to spend a lot of money on food. In fact, I enjoyed it. How can you not when you are living smack dab in middle of the food mecca, San Francisco's mission district? I lived on 15th and Guerrero for five years. Whitefish salad from the Bi-Rite on 18th St. with a light smear of imported french mustard on an organic pumpernickel bagel, or perhaps an heirloom tomato salad with fresh, Italian mozzarella di bufala, McEvoy olive oil, Maldon sea salt, and hand-torn basil, or screw all the prep and go get a chicken mole burrito at Papalote's on 25th and Valencia.
Oh, how things change.
Eight months ago, I left my full-time profession as a theatrical stage manager to become a student again. I'm now in the throws of cardiology, radiography, pharmacology, chemistry, and parasitology (eee...), all with the end goal of becoming a registered veterinary technician. What the fuck was I thinking, right? Well, I tell you what. Being a student is awesome. If you can do it later in life, DO IT. It's not like being 18 and taking GE classes. I've chosen these subjects because I want to learn, I find them interesting, and I'm motivated to put the amount of work into it that it takes to know my shit.
Here's the tricky bit. I'm the one paying for all this, no one is paying me. Yet.
How do I resolve my love for food and all it's costliness? That's why I'm writing here.
I know I'm not the only one out there trying to slash their food budget, especially since the economy is in the toilet. I've chosen my broke-ass state, some people have not. I think I can help, you guys. In the following entries I'm going to share how I manage my budget and my eating habits. It's hard, right? You're tired, you can't imagine turning on the stove and dealing with chopping anything... Hell, you may have had you fingers in dog's asses all day like me.
You don't have to buy $1 boxes of frozen dinners. You don't have to buy 3 boxes of sugary cereal to get that 4th box for free, even though that sounds like a deal at Safeway. It's not a healthy way to be and you won't feel very good. If you eat like this (and you know who you are) you don't even know that you feel like shit right now. But wait until you start eating the good stuff and cut back all that sodium. You'll light up like a Christmas tree.
Back to basics, people. What will you find here, you ask?
Wholesome? Absolutely.
Organic? Meh, we try.
From scratch? Most of the time.
Quick? I don't know about you, but when I get home I'm hungry NOW.
Cost effective? That's the point!
Local? It's easier than you think. We're gonna read some labels.
Thanks for tuning in everyone. Share it with your friends. Hell, make it for your friends. They'll all be very impressed that you have created...

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